Welcome to the Family Registration page! This is where you provide us with your contact information so that we can keep you updated with the latest Family Reunion information.
During the registration process you will need to provide your email addres and a password. You will use this information to update your contact information at any time. So if your contact information (email address, street address, cell number, home number, number of family member etc.) has change just sign-in with you email address and password to make the appropriate updates.
Keep us updated so that we can keep you updated with the latest information relating to fun and exciting times at the Demps/Reid Family Reunion. See you there!
Please Note:
Registration is for contact information only. If you would like to let us know that you plan to attend the Demps/Reid family reunion please click the 'RSVP' menu item. In addition, click the 'Newsletters' menu item to review important information such as Family Reunion fees etc.